Sports Medicine


Get Back in the Game with Sports Medicine

If you are suffering from pain, weakness, instability or poor range of motion, Dr. Robert Lupo can assess your injury to recommend the most effective course of treatment. An XRAY or MRI may also be conducted to check for tears, strains and fractures in the injured area.

You will also discuss your goals with Dr. Robert Lupo—such as getting back to playing a specific sport—to determine the most effective, safe, and lasting treatment option available for your specific needs. The necessary treatment may include physical therapy and nonsurgical or surgical procedures.

Sports Medicine Info

Sports Medicine Evaluation

Sports injuries may affect various areas of the body such as the knee, shoulder or elbow. An XRAY or MRI of the injured area will look for the presence of tears and fractures. In addition, evaluation of your sports injury will include taking a look at your pain level, range of motion, swelling, joint stability, and the circumstances in which your injury occurred. Whether you pivoted your joint, heard a loud pop, sustained the injury alone or collided with another person, this can give your surgeon a clue to the inner cause of your pain.

Sports Injury Treatment

Many knee, shoulder and elbow injuries are minor enough to heal with proper bracing and physical therapy treatments. Depending on your desired activity level, it may also be an option to take a nonsurgical route for your injury or postpone surgery for a period of time while monitoring improvement. Children with growing left to do are often treated non-surgically to prevent any damage to their growth plates. Rest, ice, compression and elevation are essential in conjunction with this course of treatment.

Total Knee Replacement with Permanent Results

Surgical sports Injury Treatment

Ligament tears and meniscus damage in joints often require surgical reconstruction. This will involve an arthroscopic surgery technique by Dr. Robert Lupo that offers minimal scarring, reduced pain and stiffness following surgery, and fewer risks overall. Surgery will be followed by a physical therapy regiment that is geared toward getting your body back to your desired activities.


Results may vary for individual patients and are not guaranteed.


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For Sports Medicine Evaluation with Dr. Robert Lupo.